Repair & Recycle
We believe that clothes are made to repair, not to throw away. The longer you use your favourite clothes, more sustainable they get. That's why we have done our clothes so that they are easy to repair and use as long as possible. When it's time to let your favourite garment go, we take care of that too. You can trust on that.
Lifetime production guarantee for FRENN clothes
Repair service for FRENN clothes
Recycling service
Bring your old FRENN garment back to FRENN store and get 15% off on one new normal price FRENN.
Ask more
Send email or call to our designer Antti Laitinen. He will be happy to help you.
Send email: antti@frennhelsinki.com
Call: +358 50 5338 117
Repair and recycling services are available at FRENN flagship store, Fredrikinkatu 24, Helsinki.